Join Council

Regular Council Membership dues are $125 annually. Some States, Territories and Provinces have been sponsored by organizations wanting to help us achieve diversity. If your Fire Department is in one of those locations, membership remains free until they stop their sponsorship or one year, whichever is longer. to check if your location has been sponsored go to the current list of sponsors.

If your agency is >75% Volunteer and has a website your agency can join for free. I certify that this agency is >75% Volunteer. Check the box below to verify your status as a >75% Volunteer agency. Also, your agency shall have a website to take advantage of this “Free” membership.

In addition to completing the online application your agency shall also complete and submit the volunteer agency application to


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Head of Agency Info
Agency Info
Name of department / organization / agency
Type of department / organization / agency
Website address
Number of paid personnel
Firefirghter ABCs